“How You Can Get a Steady, Un-Ending Slew Of Cash Now, 24/7 From Selling High-Demand Info eBooks Without Being an Expert Or Even Writing a Word Yourself”
We’ve Done The Hard Work For You. Just Say Yes, To What I’m Going To Share With You Below, And We’ll Give You What You Need To Start Making Money Now!
If you’re exhausted and frustrated with
trying to discover what it takes to get an extra pay check or several
hundred dollars or more each week without hard work.
And if you desperately WANT the secret that only a handful of wealthy savvy entrepreneurs are privy too.
Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
As I’m going to show you how to make an outrageous amount of money
selling “how to” information eBooks in the most profitable, in-demand
niche categories...”Lose Weight”, “Personal Habits”, “Pets”, “Save
Money” and many more.. without you having to write a word yourself or know anything about the topics.
The Secret To Making Money Online Is Revealed Here: Now pay close attention!
If you’re reading this now, I’m willing to bet you desperately needing more money.
But NOT just pocket change.
Not just a sale here or there.
You need a proven way to make MORE money consistently and lots of it...
In fact, I’m willing to bet that:
- Maybe you’ve dabbled with trying to make money online and it’s failed.
- Maybe you’restill trying andit’s NOT working
- Or if maybe it’s working but requires a “herculean” amount of work that at best... is costing you more cash than your making
As you probably know, you’re NOT alone in this
Making money online (finding out what people WANT and GIVING it to them)
For most people, is no walk in the park...
In fact,
Have you ever noticed how some people can run a business online and
make profit in their first year whereas others – who work their ass
off, cross their I’s and dot their t’s – lose money and go bust?
Or how about how some people get into debt trying to start a new
business venture while others get out of debt even though they have
never run a business before?
Or – since we’re talking about making money and giving people what they
will pay cold hard cash for all the time– how about how some people try
to start a website, hire aninternet marketing expert or even throw up a
few affiliate linksand yet still remain as broke as ever while others
who don’t have a lick of business sense rake in money like clockwork
from simple eBooks on crazy topics?
There is a reason why such occurrences take place.
And the secret behind why this happens has to do with the solutionwe have created.
Truth is, there is nothing more profitable or easier to sell online than information products.
I’m speaking about eBooks; simple, easy to make digital products that help, educate, entertain, challenge and solve people’s problems. The kind of products that people can download instantly andthat bring in large sums of money for you even while you sleep
No, I’m not joking. (The internet doesn’t sleep, people all over the world can access your products and you can automate everything!)
And here’s why they are the best way to amass a fortune online.
Just imagine:
- Next to No Competition – Everything that you get made can be copyrighted and presented in several ways to multiple markets within a niche
- Incredible Profit Margins – eBooks are extremely profitable as the end product is entirely digital, costing you zero to send it to customers and the value is based upon what the information means to the customer. They truly are paying for the value of the information so you can make x5 more.
- An eBook business is portable – Whether you are flying over the ocean, sitting on a beach, sleeping or snowboarding down a mountain. Your business will run like clockwork, 24/7, 365 days a year because you can run your business anywhere there is an internet connection and your products can sell automatically without you being there. All you need to do is check in on the sales.
- Super easy and fast to create – eBooks are by far the easiest product to create and once you learn the trick to getting them created, you will be amazed at how fast you can build your downloadable empire.
- No employees needed – You don’t need anyone except you, which cuts down on costs, puts more profit in your pocket and relieves you of the headaches of dealing with employees
- Unlimited information – People are hungry for information like never before, with so much information freely available online people are overwhelmed and swamped in partial information and specific needs. You will know exactly what those needs are and how to meet them.
- Crazy low start-up costs – If you are considering starting for the very first time online, there is nothing better than this. You don’t need to store products; you don’t need a store because everything is stored digitally on a computer.
- Paid Repeatedly – You create a product once and continue to get paid every time it’s sent to a new customer, plus there are quick ways you can modify the work and reach new niches within the same market — doubling even tripling your profit for the same amount of work that is done one time.
And those are just a few of the benefits that come to mind. There
are tons of additional ways you will benefit from knowing the secrets
of selling downloadable digital products.
And that’s why I want you to take advantage of this today…
“Make Money Selling Nothing”
Cashing In Selling Downloadable Digital Products On Your Website
In this
jam packed "Downloadable Empire Guide" you’ll find that it’s not just
about creating products. While theguide is chock full of techniques on
how you can quickly discover what people want and develop a product...
you will also learn how to get it sold fast using secrets that only the
top info entrepreneurs use.
We’ve held back nothing with this amazing information marketing product. It wasn’t an easy or inexpensive task creating it. Yet I think you will agree it was worth all the effort once you see what’s inside.
For example...
Here’s abreakdown of what the book covers:
- Why information products?
- Digital self-publishing
- What makes information ebooks such a special product?
- What are information products?
- Why are they so popular?
- The perfect product
- The domino effect
- Finding your niche audience over and over again
- Why do eBooks fail?
- Writing for a desperate audience
- Become an information detective
- The best information source on the planet - public domain
- What do you want to achieve?
- Target the book to the audience
- What is the public domain?
- How to use the public domain
- Creating your content with public domain material
- Where to find the public domain information
- Choosing your subject
- Honing in on your subject
- You Absolutely must be specific with your subject
- Quality is the key
- The power of research
- All about your sales letter
- Why sales letters work ( and why they don't )
- Find an angle
- Research, don’t make it up!
- Research the competition
- Never give away your information for free!
- More about writing the sales letter
- Create a feeling of kinship with the reader
- Disclose some weakness
- Justify the price
- The matter of refunds
- Ask for the sale
- The Power of the P.S
- Testimonials
- Benefits and Consequences
- Other things not to forget
- Pricing your product
- Marketing your information product
- The sales letter
- The website
- Advertise your site
- Url Submission
- Links
- Directories
- Promotional articles
- Google Adwords
- A word about backlinks
- Why you should have a mailing list/newsletter
- What to include
- Persuading people to sign up
- Sequential auto responders
- Ecourses
This truly is the most complete book you will find on:
- How to make money fast online selling information eBooks,
it literally gives you the easiest way to end the confusion surrounding
what you must do
- Little-known insights and hidden
resources into getting that eBook made without it costing you anything
and even when you know zilch about the market.
- The
secrets of discovering what is high-demand and how to tap into a free
tool that literally reveals what people want right now
- Detailed instruction guide to take you from proven profitable idea to money in your bank in the fastest time possible
- Compelling
sales letter strategiesand marketing methods that will save you money,
unleash a stampede of buyers ready to buy your book and cause them to
whip out their wallets without hesitation or begging them to buy
But that’s not all:
Here are 20 Good Reasons Why You Should Take Action Today
In this proven book, you’re going to discover:
- The #1 way to create your ebooks FAST!
- Why even beginners can write sales letters that are killer and what you must avoid and do when writing them
- A “quick and sneaky” tool to instantly determine whether your ebook will sell or not, this tool is dynamite!
- The top 5 reasons why people buy ebooks – and how to use this information to your benefit
- Simple adjustments you can make to sales pages that quadruple sales overnight!
- Little-known secrets of building up your online ebook sales force using the “Domino Effect” (you’ll smack your forehead with an open palm when you see this one!)
- The fastest and surest way to make big money with ebooks – and when it makes sense to use it
- 2 Sites that let you spy on what a market wants – sneaky information that you can use for ebooks and your sales letters that work like magic
- “No-brainer” ways to make additional money immediately from every customer who buys your ebook
- How some ebookscan generate over $2,0000 profit in less than a week and why others fail
- Why you don’t even have to write your own ebook to make a lot of money (I’ll show you the absolute best way to get someone else to write your ebook for you – that costs you nothing!)
- Simple ways to sell your ebook and generate passive income
- “Refund annihilator” – secrets to handling refunders and how to reduce refund requests by as much as 75%
- How to use the “cross method” to find people to sell your ebook for you and you don’t pay a dime until after you’ve been paid
- 9 common problems that people haveand how to profit from them
- How to avoid spending months writing an ebook, only to find there’s no way in the world you could sell it for a profit
- How to get amazingebooks that are already written FREE – and sell them for FULL profit (it’s completely legal if you know exactly where to look)
- How to set up your entire eBook business on autopilot to take the payments, deliver the ebook and follow up with customers –virtually 100% by remote control – WITHOUT it costing you’re a fortune or being a techy.
- The one proven way to increase sales using email and the single best auto responder service
- 9 proven ways to advertise your ebooks to get better (and faster) sales.
Make Full Use Of This Knowledge And Get A Real Look At Make Money Selling Nothing!
Let’s face it…If you're still running your financial life according to the wealth-building rules we all grew up with, you're severely limiting your might, creativity, and financial potential as a result. As recent economical events have demonstrated, these "old rules" are inanimate. A fresh and radically different set of rules have taken their place. And the time for you to study them and stake your claim in the new economy is today!
That is why is it very important for you to realize the value of what I’m offering.
The price I’m charging for this book is minimal when you consider
the fact that you can use just one of these strategies to make your
money back 10-15 times over.
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Revenue Tools
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